League of Our Lady of Victory SSPX Davie Florida

League of Our Lady

Goals of the League of Our Lady

The League of Our Lady of Victory is in our community like the two sister friends of Jesus: Mary and Martha. Mary was inclined to the contemplation while Martha was more inclined to an active service.

The ARS offers these two types of dedication in its dual purpose:
1. To pray for the cohesiveness and spiritual progress of the parish
2. To assist the priests in the cleaning and the decoration of the chapel, the preparation of the meals, the cleaning of the priory, and to organize fundraisers to support the church and the school.


The tasks and responsibilities of ARS are managed by different Committees under the direction of the President.
1. The Altar Committee is responsible for maintaining altar linens, vestments and supplies.
2. The Flower Committee is responsible for purchasing, arranging and maintaining flowers in the church.
3. The Cleaning Committee is responsible for the bi-weekly cleaning of the entire church and priory.
4. The Fundraising Committee is responsible for organizing fundraising events throughout the year.
5. The Special Events & Ceremonies Committee is responsible for coordinating and organizing special ceremonies and functions of the church.
6. The Social & Welcoming Committee is responsible for welcoming newcomers and for handling arrangements for visiting priests and dignitaries.


Under the spiritual direction and guidance of the Prior, The League is organized with a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary who are the elected Officers. There are different committees to cope properly with all the work; the President names the chairmen of the Committees.

Who can join?

All ladies may join The League, as a member or as an auxiliary. Girls 18 years old are welcome.

Obligations of the members

The prayer of one decade of the rosary for the spiritual good of the church once a month is required from the members. It takes place the 2nd Sunday of each month after the 9:30am Mass, followed by the monthly meeting. Annual dues are $20.

Membership benefits

1. A special Mass is offered once a month for the members
2. Voting privileges
3. Numerous graces obtained by assisting the work of ARS.

Another way to participate

One does not need to be a member of The League of Our Lady to join a committee. All ladies ready to support the church by giving their time, talent and volunteering are very welcome. It is a great way to serve God. We can always use and very much need your help.


Fr. Vernoy image

Fr. Vernoy
Prior of St. Thomas More

Mrs Myrna Mendez

Mrs. Myrna Mendez
Father's Assistant
* Please contact Mrs. Myrna Mendez for all matters regarding a Priest.

Fr. Gerrity image

Fr. Gerrity

Mrs Myrna Mendez

Mrs. Myrna Mendez
Father's Assistant
* Please contact Mrs. Myrna Mendez for all matters regarding a Priest.

Fr. Pieroni image

Fr. Pieroni

Mrs Myrna Mendez

Mrs. Myrna Mendez
Father's Assistant
* Please contact Mrs. Myrna Mendez for all matters regarding a Priest.

Mrs. Myrna Seda-Mendez image

Mrs. Myrna Seda-Mendez
Father's Assistant

Mrs. Myrna Seda-Mendez

Mrs. Myrna Seda-Mendez
Father's Assistant