Feast of Corpus Christi and First Communion

06-02-2024 - Feast of Corpus Christi and First Communion

The Feast of Corpus Christi is a solemn celebration dedicated to honoring the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In the traditional Latin rite, this sacred feast is marked by a profound sense of reverence and devotion, where the faithful approach Holy Communion with awe and humility. These First Communicants will receive the Blessed Sacrament while kneeling, a gesture of adoration and submission to the divine, and on the tongue, emphasizing the sacredness of the encounter with the Body of Christ. This ancient practice reflects the deep veneration due to the Lord, reinforcing the mystery and majesty of the Eucharist, as the Church gathers to celebrate and affirm the abiding presence of Christ in the Holy Sacrament.