Confirmations in Davie Florida

10-15-2023 - Confirmations in Davie Florida

Confirmations celebrated by Bishop Tissier de Mallerais in Davie, Florida, within the Traditional Latin Mass, mark a profound moment of grace and spiritual strengthening for the faithful. The sacrament of Confirmation, conferred by the bishop through the anointing with holy chrism and the laying on of hands, imparts the gifts of the Holy Spirit, deepening the grace of Baptism and equipping the faithful to live and defend their faith courageously. Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, as a successor of the Apostles, plays a vital role in this sacred rite, confirming the faithful in their Catholic faith and affirming their full membership in the Church. This solemn ceremony highlights the continuity of apostolic succession and the enduring presence of Christ’s Church in the world.